Summer time in London is the best time to take a stroll at the park or indulge in ice cream to your heart’s desire! Yes, basking under that glorious star is enjoyable. Don’t be too lax though—you still have to care for your skin.

These are 5 useful tips a person can do to get healthier skin during the summers!

Sun Protection For Your Lips

Most of us are guilty of ignoring our lips when we slather on sun screen. The sun can and does wreak havoc on your lips as well. It dries out your lips making them cracked and pigmented. Keep them moisturised at all times.

Wash Your Makeup Brushes

Makeup brushes can be a land mine for that flawless silky skin. They collect a ton of bacteria, dirt and makeup residue that can cause breakouts and pimples. If you’re not in the habit of regularly washing your makeup brushes, start now.

Healthy Habits

Most women make the mistake of taking their smooth blemish-free skin they had in their twenties for granted. That skin texture will not last forever! It seems absurd to wait till you’re older to start exercising regularly, taking off your makeup before going to sleep or wearing ample sun screen. Forming habits that are for your own good will definitely pay off in the future.

Make Anti-Oxidants Your New Best Friend

The good news is you’ve got a lot of options. Antioxidant rich foods are easily found at your local grocery stores. Tomatoes, carrots, spinach—they’re all there to help you get beautiful skin.

Stay Hydrated!

We’re made up mostly of water. As you sweat under the summer sun from June to September remember this; the water you lose as you sweat will only work to dry up your skin like a prune. Set reminders to drink water throughout the day.

For professional intervention, Simply Clinics offers Diamond Peel Microdermabrasion treatments in Uxbridge. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that clears away dead cells from the upper-most layer of the skin. This works to remove skin impurities and improves dullness. You don’t have to take our word for it. Find out what other clients have to say about us on:



Call us at 020 8352 3532 to book an appointment at our Uxbridge, Southgate or Shephard’s Brush Branches in London!
