Whilst this past year has been tough for all of us, if anything, it has made us appreciate the importance of self-care and how much we value our beauty products. The unwelcome addition of Covid-19 this year has made us all consume our beauty products in different ways and therefore brands have had to adapt….will this be the year that has re-defined the beauty industry? Obviously none of us are psychics, but based on this year’s events, we have predicted some skincare trends which may appear in 2021.

More Blue Light Protection


It’s pretty evident that many of us will be working from home for the foreseeable future. Technology has become engrained in our daily lives, with our routine basically revolving around our laptops and phones. With this, there comes the risk of blue light (also known as High Energy Visible Light) which is emitted from our devices as well as the sun. Overtime, this can have an impact upon our skin, causing premature ageing through DNA damage, leading to hyperpigmentation. You may have seen some brands promoting their blue-light protection products before, perhaps within SPF creams. Following in their footsteps, we expect to see many more of these products available on the market in 2021.

If you feel as though you may be suffering with hyper-pigmentation, our Microneedling treatment is incredibly effective at treating this condition. Learn more here about how you can book in for this treatment for only £125!

Sustainable Skincare


In 2020, we have seen more environmental movements than ever before, proving that we are becoming an environmentally conscious world. There is increasing demand for brands to have less unnecessary packaging and be more aware of their environmental impact. A survey conducted by Global Web Index found that 67% of consumers believe that packaging should be environmentally friendly. This is especially important in the beauty world where products are consumed and purchased so regularly. We predict that there will be more brands offering sustainable packaging alternatives such as cardboard, as well larger demand for natural products with less chemicals.

Hand Care Focus


Hand washing, sanitiser and mask wearing has all become the “new normal” in our society and will no doubt stick around for a while longer. With the ritual of sanitising in every shop, it can lead to our hands becoming dry and sore. There have also been reports that the alcohol in the hand sanitisers can lead to premature ageing of the skin. With this in mind, we expect to see more beauty brands bringing out calming and soothing hand creams and maybe even anti-ageing products specifically for the hands.

Celebrity Branded Skincare


This year, we saw the launch of Fenty Skin by Rihanna which took the beauty world by storm. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Millie Bobby Brown and Selena Gomez have all also launched their own beauty brands. In 2021, we think that there will be more celebrities using their large platforms to share their love of beauty with their followers. Perhaps we will see more celebrities creating products that help a cause that they resonate with, such as vegan products or anti-animal testing? That’s what we’d hope to see, anyway!


So we’ve finished with skin care, but it’s also interesting to predict what aesthetics trends are going to be on the rise this year. It doesn’t look like the lip filler trend is going out of fashion any time soon. We love treating our clients to natural, undetectable aesthetics treatments. Check out our before and afters, here!

Due to the recent announcement of London being placed in Tier 4, our Clinics are now closed until further notice. Follow us on Instagram @simplyclinics & @dryoussefhaffar to keep an eye out for our reopening date.

We hope that you have a Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you back in the clinics soon!
