Out of all the teen experiences you had, we’re sure acne isn’t one that you’ve missed. If you’re male, the chance of developing acne is already high as you produce more sebum than women, meaning there is a greater build up of dirt and oil – sorry men!

Acne in your adolescence years may have left you with scarring or frequent breakouts now (not a reminder you want). On the bright side, there are treatments which can help with clearing up acne and diminishing any scarring.

Removing the appearance of acne isn’t the only reason you may want to get it treated. Acne can also cause additional issues for men. It can make shaving a much more difficult and painful experience, and it can also feel humiliating going out in public with an active breakout. To avoid this, make sure that you aren’t shaving over pimples as it will pop them. If your acne is severe, then it might be wise to stick to a beard trimmer to prevent any further irritation to your skin until the acne has all cleared up.

As mentioned, severe acne can lead to scarring. If your scarring is getting you down, instead of continuing to worry about it, there is a very effective treatment to help – microneedling.

So, what is microneedling and why is it becoming the latest trend in men’s skincare? Microneedling is a treatment which works to reduce acne scars and improve the overall texture of your skin. The process of microneedling involves tricking the skin into believing it is ‘injured’, promoting new skin cell growth and reducing the amount of sebum produced. A reduction in sebum production means there will be less blackheads and whiteheads forming. This also means that if you have oily skin, it will help to reduce the excess oils produced. – an extra bonus!

Not only does microneedling help to treat male acne scars but it also helps with a whole host of other concerns such as:

Want to hear something else incredible about microneedling? We know you do! It’s not only for the face, but the whole body can be treated too. Great for if you are someone who struggles with back acne, aka ‘bacne’.  Your back has more oil glands than other parts of the body, which is why it’s particularly prone to breakouts. This is a common concern for men as you have much thicker skin on your back which creates a breeding ground for clogged pores.

Take a look at how this client’s back was treated by 5 sessions of microneedling with a mandelic peel.

Bacne treatment microneedling

Face before and afters – Microneedling

male acne

male acne treatment

acne treatment

How long does it take to see these results?

Most men notice a difference in their skin after just the first session. They typically see that their skin is much clearer, softer and brighter. Over the following few weeks additional benefits begin to show. The results can continue to develop over the next six months.

How many treatment sessions do you need?

Not every client is the same and therefore the amount of treatments needed varies from person to person. We usually recommend between 3-6 sessions which are spaced four-five weeks apart. At Simply Clinics we offer 3 and 6 session packages on microneedling to help you to achieve your skincare goals and combat male acne!


To get started on your clear skin journey, book a FREE consultation with one of our experts on 02083523523 or send us a message WhatsApp on 07963770519.

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