Covid 19 Information & Policy
Dear Simply Clinics clients,
Please see the information for our visiting clinics when we reopen:
To ensure your safety and safety of our staff we will be asking clients to follow the below instructions:
- Please attend your appointment unaccompanied.
- Upon arrival, clients will be asked to wash your hands or use hand sanitser.
- Please do not bring personal possessions to the clinic. Please limit the wearing of jewellery. Wedding rings may be worn provided hands are kept clear from the face.
- When the treatment is complete, client will be invited to wash hands.
- Maintain a 2 metre distance from other people in the clinic.
- Attend your appointment no more than 5 minutes early to avoid congestion in the clinic.
- Clients will be asked to attend with no make-up for facial assessment.
Please remember that you must inform us in advance of your treatment if;
- You have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19.
- If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 including a new continuous cough, raised temperature or loss of taste/smell.
- You have been abroad in the past 2 weeks.
Prior to your treatment, you will be asked to read the following consent related to COVID-19 and sign to say you are happy to proceed with treatment.
‘I also understand that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organisation. I further understand that COVID-19 is contagious and is believed to spread by person-to-person contact. Given the nature of the virus, I understand there is an inherent risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 by virtue of proceeding with this elective treatment.
I understand that possible exposure to COVID-19 may result in the following: a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, extended quarantine/self-isolation, additional tests, hospitalisation that may require medical therapy, Intensive Care treatment, possible need for intubation/ventilator support, short-term or long-term intubation, other potential complications, and the risk of death.
I understand that COVID-19 may cause additional risks, some or many of which may not currently be known at this time, in addition to the risks described herein, as well as those risks for the treatment/procedure/surgery itself.
I have been given the option to defer my treatment to a later date. However, I understand all the potential risks, including but not limited to the potential short-term and long-term complications related to COVID-19, and I would like to proceed with my desired treatment’
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us in advance on info@simplyclinics.co.uk.
We look forward to welcoming you back to our clinics.
Simply Clinics Team