You may have seen the term “migrated filler” used a lot online. Many times it’s used when people are describing their horror stories with their filler experience, however, it doesn’t have to be so scary. In this blog post, we’ll explain exactly what filler migration is and what can be done to prevent and treat it.
What is lip filler migration?
Lip Filler Migration is defined as the process of dermal filler spreading or “migrating” to another area beyond the site of injection.
What does lip filler migration look like?
You can spot the signs of lip filler migration, as it can give you that ducky or “shelf-like” appearance above the lip border.
Have a look at the picture below which will identify how filler migration looks in the lips.
Picture credit: Vo.aesthetics
What causes migrating lip filler?
There are different theories as to how filler migration occurs.
Inexperienced injectors
Firstly, migration can occur if a client has their filler done by an injector who is inexperienced and isn’t aware of the structure of the skin.
In this instance, sometimes too much filler can be placed in areas where it shouldn’t be or by placing the filler too deep.
2. Overfilling the lips
Overfilling the lips when treating with dermal filler is another factor which may increase the risk of filler migration.
In the instance of the lips, if too much product has been placed then the filler will have no where else to go except outside of the lip’s border.
This can cause that “shelf-like” and ducky appearance we associate with filler migration.
3. Personal factors
Lastly, sometimes migration can be caused by the way that your body has chosen to break down the filler over time.
Some practitioners believe that due to the way the mouth constantly contracts, this can cause filler migration over time.
How can I prevent migration?
Your best protection against filler complications is to do extensive research before choosing a practitioner.
Look at client testimonials, before and after pictures and check the practitioner’s credentials and experience before choosing who to go with.
We always recommend choosing a medical professional for your treatments who has a solid background with aesthetic procedures.
At Simply Clinics, our Doctor Youssef Haffar has over eight years of experience performing cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Haffar prefers natural results with filler that can be built up gradually over time to get the best results.
Within our treatments, Dr. Haffar uses the cannula method, which reduces the side effects of bruising and swelling, and also reduces the risk of complications.
Lip Filler Migration Help
You can find out more information about our lip filler treatment in London here and everything you need to know about lips filler, plus visit Dr Youssef’s Instagram page here to see his before and afters!
It is always best to pick based upon the practitioner’s experience and expertise than the filler itself and also the price.
After all, badly done filler could end up costing you more in the long-run!
I think my lip filler has migrated…help!
If you believe that your lip filler has migrated, then don’t panic, as it can be treated.
The beauty of modern-day filler is that it is semi-permanent, so your body will naturally break down and metabolise the substance over time.
The best option however is to not keep continually filling the lips or face with more product to smooth out the migrated filler.
The migration will not be removed this way, so therefore the option in this case is just to start over.
Filler within the lips or other areas can be dissolved using a product called Hyalase.
Hyalase is made up of the chemical Hyaluronidase, which is a soluble protein enzyme.
It works by breaking up the bonds that hold the Hyaluronic Acid molecules (the filler) together.
Once the filler has been dissolved, we recommend waiting around two weeks until the filler has all been removed and the lips can be re-filled.
Contact us today if you are worried about your lip fillers