With 2024 coming to an end, now is when we are starting to think of all our new year’s resolutions! I’m sure for many of us, eating healthily and exercising more will be on our resolution list. But what about our skin health too? This is the year to start taking your skincare seriously. By making some simple changes, you can make a dramatic impact to your skin.

So let’s look at some of our skincare resolutions we think you should be making….

1. Stay consistent with your skincare routine

We know how easy it can be to slack on your skincare routine – whether you’re too busy in the morning before work, or too tired when you get home. But results take time and patience and will not show up overnight! Sticking with a good skincare routine can help prevent a whole host of skin concerns such as wrinkles and acne.

2. Invest in medical grade skincare products

In 2023 we are looking to achieve our skincare goals. This starts with investing in products which will actually provide life-changing results.

If you want to upgrade your skincare routine but don’t know where to start, take a look at these…..

ZO Skin Health: Medical Grade Skincare at Home

We have two different ZO Skin Health programmes that we offer in the clinics: the Skin Brightening Programme and the Anti-Aging Programme.

Let’s start with the Skin Brightening Programme.

This programme is specifically designed to target skin concerns surrounding skin brightness, without the use of Retinol ingredients. If you have hyperpigmentation issues such as an uneven skin tone, liver spots or freckles, then this is the programme for you.

The programme consists of 5 steps: Gentle Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Renewal Pads, Daily Power Defense and Bright Alive Skin Brightener treatment.

The second programme is the Anti-Aging Programme. This  is designed to treat early and existing signs of ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Similarly to the Skin Brightening programme, it features a 5-step routine with targeted treatments. The products include: Exfoliating Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Renewal Pads, Daily Power Defense and Growth Factor Serum.

What results can I expect from medical grade skincare?

As you can see, the results say it all! The images below show results after 3 months of using the ZO Skin Health Anti-Aging Programme.

skincare resolutionsskincare resolutions

To decide what the best options are for you and your skin, we offer in-depth consultations with one of our skincare therapists. This will ensure that you are receiving the best programme that is suited to your skin and will give you more information about how to use the products to get the best results.

3. Wear SPF every single day

You’ve heard it over and over, but let’s be honest, we definitely don’t wear it as much as we should. In 2023 we are making sure we wear SPF everyday, incorporating it into our daily skincare routine.

SPF protects you from harmful UV rays – the main cause for premature ageing! Adding SPF to the last step of your daily morning routine will ensure you are protected even on cloudier days.

4. ALWAYS take your makeup off before bed

While this is something we are all guilty of, ditching this awful habit this year will do wonders for your skin. It can be tempting to sleep in your makeup if you get home late and exhausted, but your skin will be thanking you if you take your makeup off every night.

If you sleep with your makeup on, it can combine with all the dirt and oil that’s built up on your face throughout the day, clogging your pores and leading to breakouts. Falling asleep with your makeup on is never a good idea, which is why we are leaving it in 2022.


How do I start my skincare journey?

At Simply Clinics we are all about creating skin transformations to help boost our clients’ confidence. That’s why we want to help you with your skin journey too! To get started and see what the right treatment for your concern is, get in touch with us today.

Do you want to find out more about all the other transformational treatments we offer? Take a look at our Instagram pages where you can find out more @simplyclinics
