Spider veins refer to small, damaged, veins that appear on your face or legs. Although they’re not harmful, many people want to treat them due to cosmetic concerns. They appear as webs, thin lines or branches, and can look red, purple, or blue.
They usually appear when the valves inside the veins stop functioning. Because veins are responsible for carrying th blood back to heart, the one-way valves in them close and keep the blood from flowing backwards. If the valves stop working properly, the blood may have difficulty flowing in the right direction. As a result, the blood starts to pool in the vein, which can develop a bulge and branch out, resulting in the condition that we call spider veins. As for spider veins that appear on the face, they usually occur due to the bursting of blood vessels due to various reasons, high blood pressure due, for example.
Risk Factors of Spider Veins
There are several factors that can increase your risk of developing spider veins. Some of these include:
Pregnancy: During pregnancy, women experience increased blood flows through the body. In addition to that, the foetus’s extra weight also places increased pressure on the veins in the legs, which can lead to pregnant women developing spider veins. For many women, the condition disappears after pregnancy, but it may stay permanent as well.
Genetics: Research indicates that around 90% of people who have spider veins also have a family history of the condition. As the figure suggests, this doesn’t mean that those who don’t have spider veins in their family genetics can’t get it.
Female Gender: Another study establishes that women are more likely to develop spider veins than men.
Old Age: Spider veins are closely connected to the health of the valves inside the veins. As people get older, the valves in their veins become weaker, and so do the calf muscles in their legs.
Obesity: According to a study, excess body weight can add increased pressure on the legs which can affect the strength of your valves. Weaker valves put you at a higher risk of getting spider veins.
There are several treatment methods to deal with spider veins. Some are relatively simpler like using compression stockings; others require professional advice and help. At Simply Clinics, we offer a clinically proven treatment called Thermavein. The process works with the help of a thermo-coagulation that seals the walls of the veins causing them to disappear immediately and permanently. To get your spider veins treated, book your appointment today!