I’m It’s no secret that a lot of men have been having beauty treatments for a while, but the popularity of male aesthetics treatments has definitely increased in recent years. Could this be due to the rise of male social media influencers speaking out about the topic? In this Blog Post, we’re going to be explaining some of the most common tweakments for men… and we are here to banish to stigma around these treatments!
Most Popular Tweakments for Men:
Anti-Wrinkle Injections
Commonly dubbed as “brotox”, many men are trying out anti-wrinkle injections in an attempt to stop the clock on the ageing process. Anti-wrinkle injections work by temporarily paralysing the muscle in the treatment area, reducing the movement and therefore diminishing the fine lines and wrinkles.
It can dramatically improve the appearance of an ageing face. In addition to this, if done in moderation, it is one of those treatments which is hard for others to detect, so it perfect for those men who want a little subtle tweak!
The importance of taking care your skin has always been well known. Despite this, it seems that men are becoming increasingly concerned about their skin health too.
Skin treatments are one of the best ways to improve your skin texture, tone and concerns. From microneedling, Superfacials and microdermabrasion, there is a treatment out there to suit every man’s needs.
Our Superfacial treatment starts from just £45, and is able to treat a multitude of different skin concerns. Combining natural skin oxygenation, deep exfoliation and the infusion of essential nutrients, it is the ultimate treat for your skin. You will notice after treatment that the skin instantly looks refreshed, brighter and revitalised.
We recently welcomed Made in Chelsea’s Alex Mytton down to have a Superfacial with us… check out this post!
Anti-Sweat Injections
Anti-wrinkle injections have multiple useful purposes – they can help to decrease excessive sweating! Medically known as hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating can take a huge toll on men’s confidence and self-esteem. Common areas that this treatment is carried out includes the hands, feet and underarms.
People who have this treatment notice that their sweating is reduced significantly, leading to an increase in their quality of life and their confidence – no more avoiding grey tops in fear of sweat patches!
To find out more about this incredible treatment, visit its dedicated treatment page here.
Jawline Filler
Having a strong and sharp jawline is one of the most desired masculine qualities. However with factors such as ageing and weight gain, many men find that their jawlines start to look less prominent than they once did.
Jawline filler is also popular with women who feel as though their face lacks structure and definition. Just a small amount of carefully placed dermal filler can work wonders to add structure to the face. It can also cleverly help minimise the appearance of a double chin!
Forehead Filler
This treatment may sound like an unusual one, but hear us out!
Over time, many men (and women) loose volume from different areas of the face, including from the forehead. This can cause a very deep set line to occur, which cannot be treated with anti-wrinkle injections.
In this instance, dermal filler is injected into the area to “fill” out and smooth the line. The results from this treatment make a significant impact and give a more youthful and softer appearance to the face. Take a look at one of Doctor Youssef’s recent forehead filler transformations here.
For more incredible aesthetics transformations, make sure to follow us over on Instagram: @simplyclinics & @dryoussefhaffar!