Although it may be tempting to pop any bumps you see on your face, for bumps which are underneath the skin, a hands off approach is best. By breaking the skin apart you are ultimately drawing out the healing process and making it more likely to become infected.
In this blog we are going to take a look at some of the types of bumps they could be and the safe methods to remove them.
1) Milia
These are tiny white bumps on your face. Don’t worry they aren’t harmless, they are just where dead skin cells have got trapped under the skin. They are typically found on the cheeks, nose, eyes, eyelids and forehead. Although they are usually found on the face, they can occur anywhere on the body. If you attempt to pop them or pick at them they will leave your skin red and irritated. Unfortunately milia is unpoppable! Therefore, to remove them you need need to seek treatments such as Cryopen.
What is Cryopen?
Cryopen is where nitrous oxide is emitted under high pressure to the blemish area, causing it to be removed safely. By using a very precise tip, it ensures that only the targeted skin is exposed to the cold and the healthy skin is not affected.
Prices for blemish removal starts from £50. Click here to view our full price list.
2) Blackheads & Whiteheads
Blackheads and whiteheads are a form of mild acne that mostly appear on the face, however, they can be on other parts on the body too. Blackheads look like black dots on the skin, whereas, whiteheads appear white in colour and are filled with puss.
Blackheads are caused by a build up of oil and dead skin cells which have got trapped in the surface of the skin’s pores. This is why they are mostly found on areas of the face where they is high build up of oil such as the nose and chin.
Whiteheads however are caused when the follicle beneath the skin’s surface becomes filled with bacteria.
Both are extremely common and products which contain Salicylic Acids can help to reduce them. This is because the acid works to de-clog the pores. Treatments such as Superfacials, chemical peels and Microdermabrasion are great at cleaning and exfoliating the skin too!
Superfacials use GeneO+ technology to combine exfoliation, oxygenation and facial rejuvenation all into one treatment. They can also be combined with radio-frequency and ultrasound to leave your skin brighter than ever!
Obagi chemical peel
The peel works by using a unique blend of acids (salicylic, lactic and glycolic) which remove the surface layers of damaged skin. Dead skin cells are replaced by healthier ones, allowing the skin’s own clarity and tightness to resurface.
Watch the treatment being performed here!
It works its magic to help diminish the appearance of blackheads & whiteheads, as well as a whole host of other skin concerns.
This is an amazing treatment for skin concerns such as blackheads and whiteheads as it works to deeply exfoliate the skin. It uses a handheld device with tiny diamonds and a vacuum which works to remove the top layer of skin cells. For an even more effective results, this treatment can be combined with other skin treatments such as Microneedling or chemical peels.
Take a look here at how this client’s skin was transformed!
3) Cherry Angiomas
These are bright red benign bumps which are made up of tiny blood vessels. These are definitely not to be popped as they are filled with blood! The reasons for cherry angiomas to form is unknown, however, they are more likely to develop during the ageing process. They have also been linked to genetics as often if your parents get them you are more likely to too!
While they are not dangerous, many people wish to get them removed for cosmetic reasons. Cherry Angiomas can effectively be removed by Cryopen treatment.
How can I book my treatment?
To book your consultation call 02083523523 or Whatsapp on 07963770519, or if you have any questions, get in touch with one of our friendly front of house team!
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