Looking for a treatment that actually transforms your skin? Well look no further, microneedling is one of the most popular and effective treatments we offer at Simply Clinics. Microneedling is great as it doesn’t just focus on one skin concern, but a whole array. Whether its acne scarring or pigmentation getting you down, microneedling is the perfect treatment to help you gain your confidence back.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is the process of tricking the skin into believing it is injured by making tiny punctures in the skin. As the injured skin begins to heal itself, it leaves younger, healthier skin, rich in collagen and elastin. The device we use is Dermapen which uses AOVN technology to puncture the skin.  At Simply Clinics, we also offer additional add-on treatments in order to further enhance the results. These include microdermabrasion, chemical peels and radiofrequency.

microneedling dermapen

So what does microneedling help with? There are a whole list of skin concerns that microneedling can help combat, such as; acne scarring, pigmentation, large pores, stretch marks, fine line & wrinkles.

Results from microneedling can be seen after just one session, however, it is recommended to have multiple sessions to ensure the best results.

Want to see what microneedling can do for your skin? Take a look at these before and after photos. This client had 6 sessions of Dermapen with Mandelic Peel. See how her skin is now smoother and free of hyperpigmentation from past acne!

microneedling before and after

microneedling before and after

Here is another powerful skin transformation! This client had 3 sessions of microneedling treatment with Mandelic peel add on.

microneedling before and after
microneedling before and after

Click here to watch a video of microneedling!

Right now we have a special Jubilee offer on microneedling with add on, only £85, usually £135, making now the perfect time to start your skin journey. Get in touch with us on 02083523523 now to book your first session!

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