What do sports celebrities like Jamie Vardy, Sam Warburton and Christiano Ronaldo have in common? It has nothing to do with fast cars, fitness goals or their huge bank accounts…No? Ok, we’ll tell you! They all under-go whole-body cryotherapy, a treatment that uses extremely cold temperatures to reduce injuries, speed up their recovery process, improve sleep, and boost overall energy.
Cryotherapy is steadily increasing in popularity worldwide, becoming a state-of-the-art procedure in spas, clinics, and fitness facilities. Using this process and streamlining it somewhat, CryoPen is a small device that uses the principles of cryotherapy in order to remove skin blemishes and lesions. It emits a fine ray of cold nitrous oxide directly at the skin imperfection with great precision and removes it by freezing it.
With the growing buzz of this ‘cold therapy’, several misconceptions and myths have started to pop up, and we’re here to bust them all!
Let’s look at some of them:
Myth#1: Cryotherapy Is Simply a “Cool” Fad
While whole-body cryotherapy is a new technology that’s catching on among the masses, the concept of using cold temperatures for treatment isn’t new. From putting a bag of frozen peas on an injury, killing cancer cells and freezing warts, to slowing the metabolic processes during trauma, extreme cold has been a part of medicine for centuries.
CryoPen simply uses modern technology to make use of this ancient wisdom.
Myth#2: Cryotherapy Is Only Limited To Professional Athletes
While famous coaches and elite athletes have certainly brought cryotherapy into the public eye by using this method to enhance performance, the truth is that cryotherapy is suitable for fitness recovery at any level. Strenuous workouts often lead to small muscle injuries, in addition to a build-up of lactic acid in the muscles and cryotherapy speeds up the healing process of tissues.
Myth#3: Cryotherapy Is Painful
The extremely cold temperature emitted by the CryoPen lasts only for a few minutes, which means that the cold doesn’t penetrate too deep into the skin—making it a completely painless process. It’s usually experienced as an exhilarating rush and may cause minor itching or irritation that lasts a short period after.
Myth#4: Cryotherapy Is Unsafe
Since the CryoPen uses a precise tip that works to 1mm precision, it ensures that the healthy skin underneath isn’t affected and there’s no risk of lowered core temperature or even more dramatic effects – frostbite.
CryoPen treatment is offered at our clinic and is a pain-free and effective wart and skin tag removal treatment. Additionally, it is also used to treat verrucas, milia, age spots, and skin tags—making it an incredible solution for several skin concerns.
We also offer microneedling and microdermabrasion services across various locations in London including Hammersmith, Uxbridge, and Southgate.
You can book an appointment now by giving us a call on 02083523523, by visiting us online or emailing info@simplyclinics.co.uk.