ySpider veins and thread veins are broken capillaries that are visible beneath the skin’s surface.

The term spider vein is used because sometimes the red veins have a ‘squiggly’ appearance, rather like spider webs. However, they can also appear as straight lines or in a cluster called a spider angioma.

Spider veins can occur anywhere on the body but are most noticeable on the face, legs, and calves. Although these veins are more evident on fair skin, they are a problem for all shades of skin, and research suggests that 80% of adults are at risk of developing spider veins.

Small spider veins are difficult to see, but you may find larger veins unsightly. Spider veins are harmless and only need removal for cosmetic reasons.

Enlarged veins called varicose veins are also common on the legs of adults. Small varicose veins can also be removed easily, but large varicose veins may need specialist treatment like laser therapy.

Simple and effective spider vein treatment is available at Simply Clinics

What causes them?

The occur when the vein valves inside the vein walls become weak, and the blood starts flowing backward. Your blood vessels can’t cope with the increased blood volume. Eventually, the increased pressure can weaken vein valves. The tiny valves fail, the vein becomes stretched, and as the blood pools, the vein walls begin to bulge. Eventually, the vein will break, and a spider vein or varicose vein will develop.

Are there any risk factors for spider veins?

They are often genetic, so if your parents have them, you may too. Like varicose veins, they become more common with age as the vein walls and valves weaken.

There seems to be a link with hormone levels, as spider veins often occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Some research suggests that birth control pills encourage the development of new spider veins. 

Anything that causes the dilation of tiny blood vessels can encourage the development of spider veins. This effect can be caused by too much sun, hot baths, and drinking alcohol, so you can see why spider veins are difficult to avoid!

Sitting or standing for long periods is also problematic as these postures affect blood flow and cause blood to pool, which can weaken vein valves.

Can I avoid getting them?

It is impossible to avoid spider veins altogether if you are pre-disposed to them. Good blood flow is essential for vein health, so keeping active and staying at a healthy weight may help.

Are they painful?

Large clusters of spider veins on the legs may cause aching or tingling if you have to stand for long periods. Some women notice this more at specific points in their menstrual cycle.

Do they suggest a problem with blood flow?

Usually, spider veins are a cosmetic issue rather than suggestive of a problem with venous insufficiency. However, it may be worth consulting a doctor if you have widespread spider angioma in your lower legs. We are a doctor-led clinic, and you will be given a thorough examination to discuss treatment options.

Spider vein treatment at Simply Clinics

Treating spider veins on the legs

We use microsclerotherapy, the gold standard treatment for spider vein removal. This is one of the most effective treatments available for thread veins on the legs.

During the procedure, an ultra-fine needle is used to inject the thread veins with a small amount of a substance called a sclerosant that makes the vein walls collapse. The red line that you see under the skin will eventually fade away altogether.

You will see a significant difference in the appearance of your skin after just one treatment.

Removal of thread veins from the face

We treat spider veins on the face with Thermavein. A sterile, fine needle delivers a small electrical current over the skin’s surface above the vein. The vein walls collapse into themselves, and the sealed vein is broken down by the body over weeks.

Is spider vein treatment permanent?

The veins that have been treated will not appear again; however, other existing veins may become thread veins in the future.

Are varicose veins and spider veins the same?

Varicose veins are caused by the same process as spider veins; however, they are much larger and often bulge noticeably.  Varicose veins can cause an achy or heavy feeling.

Sometimes, large varicose veins can be a medical problem. Rare complications can occur with affected veins, such as skin ulcers, venous eczema, blood clots, and deep vein thrombosis, which can cause a pulmonary embolism. Deeper veins can also become inflamed.

How are varicose veins treated?

There are many different treatment options for varicose veins, including endovenous laser therapy, endovenous laser ablation, and radiofrequency ablation. If intervention is not appropriate or required, you may be advised to wear compression stockings to improve blood circulation in the leg veins.

At Simply Clinics, we offer microslerotherapy from £300. Contact us to find out more or to book your spider vein removal treatment today! 

 Call us on 02045863044 or email info@simplyclinics.co.uk.

To see all the latest before and afters of our fantastic treatments, be sure to follow us on Instagram @simplyclinics & @doctorsofsimplyclinics!


