We all have heard myths about skincare, from rubbing lemons on your face to using toothpaste to get rid of spots. But, are they true or false? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular skincare myths out there and see if they really work or not.
Myth 1: Sleeping with Makeup On Is No Big Deal
The truth is that sleeping with makeup on can be incredibly detrimental to your skin. Leaving makeup on overnight clogs your pores, which can lead to breakouts and dryness. Makeup also prevents your skin from properly breathing while you sleep, which can cause irritation and inflammation. So make sure you take off all of your makeup before hitting the hay!
Myth 2: Tanning Is Good For Your Skin
Not only is tanning not good for your skin, it can be extremely dangerous! Even just one session in a tanning bed increases your risk of developing melanoma significantly. The UV rays emitted by tanning beds damage the delicate cells in our skin, leading to wrinkles and other signs of ageing prematurely. Stick to self-tanner or bronzer if you want that sun-kissed glow without risking your health. And DON’T forget to be wearing SPF everyday, especially if you are tanning outside!
Myth 3: Toothpaste Works As A Spot Treatment
This is one we’ve all heard before—rubbing toothpaste on a spot will help it go away faster. Unfortunately, this isn’t true either. In fact, putting toothpaste on a spot can cause further irritation due to its abrasive nature and high alcohol content. Stick with a spot treatment formulated specifically for acne instead!
Myth 4: Eating Chocolate Causes Acne
This is one of the most persistent skincare myths out there. Many people believe that eating chocolate and other sugary foods can cause breakouts, but this isn’t necessarily true. While it’s true that an unhealthy diet can affect your skin in many ways, specifically linking chocolate consumption to acne is a bit of a stretch. Studies show that while certain foods may aggravate existing acne, they don’t actually cause breakouts in the first place—so feel free to indulge in that piece of chocolate cake guilt-free!
Skincare myths are everywhere—from family members’ advice to internet tips—but it’s important to know what is true and what isn’t when it comes to taking care of our skin. We hope this blog has helped clarify some common misconceptions about skincare so you can make informed decisions about what is best for you and your skin! With the right knowledge, anyone can have healthy beautiful skin they love!
We can help you to achieve your dream skin. Get in touch with us to speak to one of our skincare experts who can advise you on the best products and treatments to combat your specific skin concern.