With the current lockdown restrictions and many of us non-essentials workers stuck at home, our skin can often become a bit neglected. It’s too easy to roll out of bed and ignore the morning skincare routine, or not bother with your usual steps because you’re not wearing makeup.

But, we must remember that the skin is our biggest organ, so we should treat it with the respect it deserves and give it some TLC every now and then, especially at the moment when we could all do with a bit of a pick me up!

We’ve written up some skincare survival tips to help you treat your skin over this lockdown and we’ve have mentioned some important skincare issues which you need to be aware of.

1. Take time to pamper yourself!

a bottle of The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution
Lockdown Skincare Survival Tips

Self-care is important to your overall well-being, so give your skin the love it needs and treat yourself to a face mask a few times a week.

An exfoliating face mask such as The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution can be great to combat congested skin and improve general skin radiance.

Check out our TikTok where Laurie our Marketing Manager demonstrates how to use it! Might look a bit scarier than it is…






2. Clean your mobile phone and devices

In this day and age, most of us spend a lot of time on our phones and arguably more so during this lockdown as we look for new ways to entertain ourselves. Whilst this is inevitable, we must ensure that we are regularly cleaning our phones and getting rid of any nasty bacterias.

A study conducted by the University of Arizona found that our phones “carry 10 times more bacteria than most toilet seats”- gross!

Regularly cleaning your phone with disinfectant wipes and sprays can help to prevent the spread of any nasty germs that your phone may have accumulated and also reduce the chances of these germs causing breakouts.

Make sure you clean any other devices you use on a daily basis such as laptops and tablets to minimise the spread of these germs.


3. Protect yourself against blue light

Dermalogica skin care
Lockdown Skincare Survival Tips

Despite the fact that we might not being going outside as much these days, it is still so important to protect yourself from one your skin’s worst enemies: blue light. Blue light is also known as HEV (High-Energy Visible) and are rays that are mainly emitted from the sun, but also come from our phones and tablets.

As a lot of us are spending more time recently on our devices whether that be for work or for Netflix marathons, so our daily exposure to this light has mostly likely increased.

Over time, professionals believe that this exposure may increase pigment production which can lead to premature age spots and hyper-pigmentation. Due to this, it is essential that you still wear an SPF as part of your skin routine to minimise the effects of blue light.

Ensure that the product specifies that it has blue light protection within it, such as the Invisible Physical Defense from Dermalogica.



4. Hydrate!

 Ren Ultra Moisture Day Cream.
Lockdown Skincare Tips

Just because we may not be going out as much at the moment, doesn’t mean we can skip using our moisturisers. Being inside more often during the winter months can actually dry out your skin more due to central heating reducing the humidity in the air.

You may even want to switch up your usual moisturiser for a richer one as we approach the colder months, such as the Ren Ultra Moisture Day Cream.

Also remember to hydrate from the inside too. Make sure that you’re drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water per day to prevent dehydration and keep your defences up at this time where colds and viruses are spreading.

Our clinics are now temporarily closed due to new restrictions however we are taking online consultations online here.

Make sure to enter our Instagram competition to win 1ml of lip filler, a free blow dry with Duck & Dry plus some skincare goodies from Juliette Armand!
