We’re thrilled to introduce Aqualyx, a new treatment available at our clinics! Here’s a look at its uses, treatment process, and some amazing before-and-after results.

What is it?

Aqualyx, an injectable fat-loss treatment since 2009, uses Cholanic Acid to target stubborn fat pockets under the skin.

It effectively reduces small areas like double chins, “love handles,” inner and outer thighs, and lower stomach, but it’s not a weight-loss solution—only an aesthetic treatment.


Before and Afters:

aqualyx_before_and_after_double_chin aqualyx_before_and_after_stomach

Credit: Aesthetics by Banu Keser                               Credit: Daily Mail


How does it work?

The Aqualyx solution is injected into the desired treatment area after a consultation with our Doctor, Dr Youssef Haffar. A numbing cream will be applied to the area, so that only a mild discomfort should be felt during the treatment.

After the treatment, swelling of the area will occur during the first week. This will subside over time with the full results shown at around 6 weeks, when you may decide to have further sessions.

The swelling occurs due to Cell Lysis (breaking down of the fat cells). These fat cells will over time be drained out by the lymphatic system and expelled from the body. Whilst this swelling may look scary, it’s totally normal and will only be temporary, however it may take a few weeks to fully go down.


What are the benefits of this treatment?

A benefit of Aqualyx is that it is very effective at removing common stubborn pockets of fat which may be otherwise difficult to get rid of. Despite having a healthy diet and exercising regularly, you cannot spot reduce fat. These stubborn areas of fat can be present due to your genetic makeup determining where you store body fat.

Another benefit of the treatment is that the results are permanent. You can maintain the results by eating healthily and regularly exercising. If weight gain occurs, then the area may develop small pockets of fat again. Aqualyx is also a very safe treatment and has been used in the aesthetics world since 2009. If you decide to come to Simply Clinics for your treatment, you will be treated by Dr Youssef who has over eight years of aesthetics experience and is also a practicing GP.


How many treatments will I need and how much does it cost?

How many sessions of Aqualyx you need depends on the amount on fat and also on your desired aesthetic goals. Your Aqualyx treatment plan can be discussed prior to commencing treatment during the consultation. Aqualyx costs £300 for one area or £550 for two areas. Areas such as the chin will need roughly 1-3 treatments, however for larger body areas, such as love handles,  2-4 sessions may be required to achieve your desired results.

You can get in contact with us to book a consultation for Aqualyx via email: info@simplyclinics.co.uk or via our website. Make sure to follow us on Instagram @simplyclinics for more information about Aqualyx and for any re-opening news!
